Justin and Emilee in the House!!

Latest vlog video from @DaddyGotCoffee, check out the link: Vlog

Over the past two weeks, we had an incredible opportunity to meet Justin from @daddygotcoffee and Emilee from @emstragrim at the Mx. COOL headquarters in Taiwan. Even though we only had a morning to hang out, we had a lot of fun testing, brewing, and tasting coffee from Aries.


Being able to chat with Justin about the coffee industry and coffee content creation was truly enjoyable for our team. Every moment of conversation was greatly cherished and appreciated, especially considering how Justin has risen to become a KOL with tens of thousands of followers in just two years. And Emilee, a seasoned coffee enthusiast and competitor brimming with lively energy, being able to brew and create latte art together was indeed a dream come true for each member of our team.


For us to have the chance to meet these amazing individuals from the coffee world has been such a great honor. Coffee isn’t just about consuming caffeine; it’s also a means of connecting people and sharing a mutual love.